Postpartum Hairloss - Why Is My Hair Falling Out?

Have you noticed your shedding more hair than usual? Don't panic! It is normal after baby arrives, but here's why it's happening and what you can do to reduce its effects.

So, first question, why is this happening?!

Your hair grows in cycles - growing phase, resting pahse, shedding phase and back to growing. However, during pregnancy the hormone changes (specifically increased levels of estrogen) mean that your hair tends to stay in the growing phase so you may notice less shedding and your hair becoming thicker and lusher.

Once baby is born those estrogen levels start to drop and your hair moves into its shedding phase, as there's more hair to shed you may find it a bit distressing to see so much hair coming out at once, but don't panic, this is normal.

This increased shedding tends to peak around 4-5 months, and can be affected by whether or not you're breastfeeding, but should be back to normal by baby's first birthday.

New mum frustrated about hair loss after having baby

What can I do about it?

You don't have to, although you may notice some additional layers to your hair as the regrowth begins.

Here are some tips to help that regrowth phase and keep you feeling confident:

  • a new haircut that makes your hair appear fuller, while accomodating those new layers.

  • be gentle! Wide tooth combs, less heat and looser hairstyles if you tie your hair up.

  • eat well and take your prenatal vitamins to ensure you're getting all the nutrients you need.

When should I be worried?

If hair growth hasn't begun again by 12 months postpartum, contact your Dr for advice.

It is also worth being aware that loose hairs may get stuck around baby's little fingers or toes and form a tourniquet which can cut off blood supply. If you notice this, unwind or cut the hair with scissors, if you can't remove it yourself or are worried speak to a Dr or 111.

I'm finding my hair is shedding a lot more after my second baby than it did with my first. This is common with hormone changes and potential nutrient deficiencies.

Have you got other postnatal questions or just want to share experiences? Join my postnatal mum and baby yoga classes.


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